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[Download the Moose]
Version 3.5.7 for MacOS X 10.3 through 10.7 (Universal Binary)

Version 3.0.5 for MacOS X 10.1
Version 2.1 for MacOS 7.1 - 9.1

[Get Moose Extras!]
Additional Phrases and Animations for Version 3.5.x

Uli's Moose

What is Uli's Moose?

Did you ever talk to a Moose? No? Then it's about time a Moose started talking to you! Learn what the great Mooses of history have to tell us mere humans! Pranks, witticisms, jokes, insults! All from politely smiling Meese that pop up on your screen and babble the lights out of you ...

The Talking Moose has been a part of Macintosh history since 1986 (20 years! WOOOO!), and no Mac can truly be called complete without it.

What Others Say...

Glad to hear the old fellow is still chatting away! I'm downloading (...) [it] as I write.

Lofty Becker


Created: 2006-02-15 @310 Last change: 2006-02-25 @444 | Home | Admin | Edit
© Copyright 2003-2025 by M. Uli Kusterer, all rights reserved.