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Reporting error lines in FLex
FLex is a great tokenizer-generator, but one of the things it sucks at when used together with YACC is error reporting. Here's one technique I use to be able to at least tell the user what line an error occurred on: I simply declare a global and assign it the current line number from the code in each token. You can declare the global up there where you already have your #include "y.tab.h": %{ #include "y.tab.h" int gLineNumber = 0; %} And then you can declare the newline token as: [\n\r] { gLineNumber++; return NEWLINE; } If your language is like C and sees a return as simple whitespace to be skipped, just leave away the return statement. Now, you have everything you need to define your yyerror function that provides some more useful output: int yyerror( const char* str ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: %s (line %d)\n", str, gLineNum ); return 0; } Now, that's a nice and handy solution, but there's one problem: What if your language has a token (like a multi-line comment or string) that may also contain line breaks? If you define your comment token as: \/\*.*\*\/ ; Those line breaks will not be counted, throwing off your line number. The best solution I found was using FLex's states. A state is simply a specially-labeled group of tokens that can only occur while you're in a specified state. You define a state by specifying %start statename in the options section, in our case %start multilinecomment. To "turn on" a state, you write BEGIN statename. Here's how our comment-parsing code looks: \/\* { BEGIN multilinecomment; } <multilinecomment>[\n\r] { ++gLineNum; } <multilinecomment>\*\/ { BEGIN INITIAL; } <multilinecomment>.* ; As you see, you mark a token as belonging to a state by writing the state name in angle brackets before the regular expression. All tokens that aren't labeled with a state are automatically added to the state INITIAL, and that's the state we return to when the comment ends. Handy. Isn't it?
Created: 2005-09-30 @045 Last change: 2025-01-27 @851 | Home | Admin | Edit © Copyright 2003-2025 by M. Uli Kusterer, all rights reserved. |