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When not to add a feature...

Just stumbled across this on the PythonCard web site:

I will reiterate what Andy Todd stated in an early mailing list post that KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) should be of primary importance. That goes beyond the current state of the framework topic of this message, but the KISS motto got us to where we are now. Dan Winkler has told me in the past that one of Bill Atkinson's (QuickDraw, MacPaint, HyperCard, etc.) strengths was knowing when to NOT add a feature. If you think keeping things simple is easy, look at the vast majority of complaints normal users have about using Windows or Unix or even the Mac these days. Look at the bloat that has ruined almost every application I can think of.
I think every programmer in the business these days should get that stapled to their foreheads :-)

Reader Comments: (RSS Feed)
Christian Machmeier writes:
Tru that! :)
Or E-Mail Uli privately.

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