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Prague Day One - or Why Churches must be Gothic

Okay, first day in Prague. We rode there via trains to Osterburken and then Würzburg, then went on to Praha itself. There, we had a little trouble finding my sister there, but we finally managed.

Bought 3-day tram/metro tickets for each of us. Then we went to the "bed and breakfast" house where we would be staying and had an extensive talk with the majordomus. He used to work as a travel guide as a second job, so this took a few hours.Finally, we went to the Hradek, which is sort of a fortress/castle complex. On the way there we came past three of the numerous churches in prague. The first one was Gothic in back, with some Romanic parts strewn in for good measure and a Baroque front. You probably wouldn't have guessed that it was the same church if you hadn't seen them being one building.

After a stroll through the golden lane, which at 7pm was pretty deserted and thus let us leave by the designated entrance instead of the exit (usually impossible because of the number of people streaming onward), we came upon a great square on which the St. Veit's church was. Once again I had proof that churches, to be interesting, must be built in Gothic style. It was tall, it had one of these large "eye"-style circular windows in front, and gargoyles that would spit water in rain. Wonderful.

After that, my sister left us to find the right tram back ourselves (gee, thanks...), which was luckily facilitated by two polite Czech gentlemen.

And now... so tired. Can you believe we had to get up at 5:30, and walk to the station for half an hour (and I let myself be talked into taking along a trolley instead of a backpack -- never again!)? I wonder if I'll ever become a morning person.

But I'll probably pull out my recordings of my lines and listen to them a little. We did some of them after rehearsal, and it's nice to hear some familiar voices from Uni now that most of the people I've heard today spoke Czech.

Created: 2004-05-20 @589 Last change: 2004-05-20 @592 | Home | Admin | Edit
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